Dragon Medicine

  • Facilitator: Alexandra
  • Self-paced with deep support
  • 1-2 hours per week
  • Easy to follow manual, video modules, "office" hours & private session support
  • Certification Celebration Ceremony at the end
    • Alumni Community for continuous support in the practice
    Write your awesome label here.

    What's included?

    • 9 Scrolls
    • PDF Manual
    • 9 Activation Steps to help integrate
    • 9 1:1 private sessions
    • Bi-weekly "office" hours to drop in and ask questions via Zoom

    Every module includes:

    • A module to read in your booklet
    • Online video modules & practical observation
    • An activation step to complete & submit (don't worry there is no grading!!)

    Rediscover Dragon Medicine

    This space is for you to receive the medicine and make it your own as you step into a space of service for humanity.  Dragon Medicine guides you deeper into who you truly are.  We do not prescribe, project or perform strict protocols for any part of the practice.  Dragon Medicine is unique to you & your abilities.  We will discover that together throughout the next 9 months
    Meet the Facilitator

    Alexandra Smith

    I am so grateful you have made it this far upon this page.

    I have dedicated and placed most of my life around teaching and facilitating sacred space through the Dragon Medicine lens and sharing The Dragon Scrolls which are held within this medicine.

    In 2017, I was initiated through a miraculous experience with the Dragons and since then I continue to deepen and broaden my wisdom and sight of Dragon Medicine.

    My "background" is in Kinesiology, Quantum Physics and Chinese Medicine.

    My embodiments and medicine are deep within the Oracle, the Teacher and the Storyteller archetypes.

    Dragon Medicine deepens our natural abilities through profound foundational healing & journeying.

    Many find Dragon Medicine when at a cross-road in their life or when the Dragons find them.

    Either way, all parts of you are welcome within this space.

    Dragon Medicine now has over 100 Medicine Women and Men carrying this sacred lineage for humanity during this great transition.

    I am honoured if you feel you are one of them

    With love & Dragon kisses,
    Patrick Jones - Course author
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