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SOMA Ministry held by Alexandra Smith
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About Our Ministry

SOMA Ministry stands at the base of Mount Brenton on Vancouver Island within the Stz'uminus First Nation's land stewardship.
SOMA offers in-person and online services, classes and certifications. We do not limit our reach and are here to serve all humanity.
We specialize in healing trauma, reconnecting you to your Prophecy and teaching incredibly in-depth classes that guide you back home to your body. Every year we hold certification journeys in Dragon Medicine.
Dragon Medicine is an ancient healing modality and embodiment that has stood within Creation since the beginning of the original lineages, Dragons being one of them. Dragon Medicine was put to sleep after the Dragons fled from slaughter within our human existence, forcing the Medicine to go into hiding with them. With our advancement and continuation through this current Epoch, Dragon Medicine has returned to our cellular memory through the Dragon Scrolls.
With great care, we hold this lineage with reverence for the Dragons who sacrificed themselves to keep this Medicine alive and our fellow Dragon Riders, Teachers and Kin.
We honour those who have given their lives to Dragon Medicine. We honour our ancestors who have held our lineages through great wars, famine and upset. We honour those who walk before us, alongside and in front of us.  

Alexandra Blair Smith

Dragon Medicine Woman
Alexandra is the founder of Dragon Medicine where she specializes in empowering others to heal their bodies through Inner Landscape work. With the medicine comes a deep and intricate understanding of how to navigate one’s body in order to remove and heal any and all types of dis-ease whether that be energetic or physical. 
Alexandra combines her extensive knowledge of Kinesiology, Chinese Medicine, Elemental Work & Quantum Physics to create a fun, explorative and creative space for all to enjoy!
With over 10 years of experience, Alexandra has dedicated her life in service to sharing Dragon Medicine with humanity through classes, trainings and other offerings.

You are an answered prayer to humanity

Let's assist you in rediscovering your sovereignty

Our Offerings

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